My Retro Interior
A new project had started for the past 2 weeks. We had to make an interior render of a modern-day home. We could use models online but I choose to make them on my own.
I made an simple composition of my scene with a couple of lights and created the lighting around it. I set it up as an kind of studio.
Test Renders
How I started
I used for this project I used a lot new knowledge over the materials and Arnold lighting. I started with a sky dome light but after a couple of quick renders I realised that it wasn’t the best way to go. So, I tried quad lights and directional lights. This was the best way to reduce all the noise in the scene.
After the first test renders I decided to change my rug and my background. I edited a little more subtle for into the scene.
Test Renders
Fusion is a program to tweak the final render. After rendering the pic into different images like the Diffuse map, Specular map etc. I placed them into fusion and merged them together into one piece. I edited some colour corrections into them. And finished the final renders.